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i love it more act 2 and 3 plase

Very high quality presentation.  A low amount of content, and almost no unique game overs, as all of them share the same outcome.  But it was a Game Jam submission, so that's to be expected.  There's a lot of promise here if the project were to be continued.

One thing:  I solved the mine puzzle on accident.  Instructions unclear, and I definitely could not do that again.  I'd recommend having some way to get the actual answer outside of trial and error, though I can't say how you'd go about doing that without an external guide (which I understand is a bit of a cop-out).

When will this game get a update


(1 edit) (+2)

Some strategies:

If you go south at the beginning, you will encounter jump scares.

In the hotel, there is a plot of drinking Coke. Whether you agree or not will not affect the main storyline.

Eating in the restaurant will increase the size. This is the same as Coke and Slime, but there will be BAD END special dialogue when you are full.

In room 205, you can find an angel to upgrade.

Go to the factory on the right to learn the mission, and then go to the factory warehouse to fight. Then talk to the factory manager and complete the mission.

After resting, talk to the NPC on the right side of the factory and go to the mine. After getting iron ore in the mine, go back to the factory to sell it and forge a pistol. Go north in the middle of the mine to get the key (but it seems useless now). Choose a route at the crossroads (there is a prompt, remember to start south and end south.)

Get the mission item and end the beta.

A little off-topic:

This heroine is very similar to the supporting actress "Wendy" in a game I made (called Diwen when masked, which is the directional reading of Wendy). She is a blonde, green-eyed woman wearing a red windbreaker and a red hat. They are both windbreaker women who like to use revolvers...YES~yes~

I also made her "doll"...


"drinking coke" like the original one with cocaine? (i didnt and dont have plans to play the game)

My native language is not English:

In this game, all food seems to be contaminated by slime, and eating too much will be assimilated. The gun shop owner, waiter and chef in the game all seem to be copied from the same module...


Amazing work honestly, right up there with Seeds.

If you do read this comment, a personal suggestion from me is perhaps the option to disable the passive absorption you get from Solaria. Its useful and all but with it enabled it's really hard to get the larger belly sizes (without spending tons of money on cola just to chug them all). It could either be in the options menu or toggled via Solaria as well. Thanks!


Pls have a Birthing scene with actual baby

Pls when will it be updated

after a play through, i love this a lot, keep up the great work, and i would love to see a finished full game, so far it is my favorite 

This is my first comment that I post but when I launch the game I come across this framing, I can move the character but the framing remains the same comment to make to have the normal framing

Hi there. I have a technical question.
Are the lines from the video filter supposed to move down all the time? I could only manage to play for a few minutes before I had to quit the game because it made me feel nauseaus.
Is that supposed to be like that or is it maybe a bug happening on my end? Because static crt lines would be no problem.

Thank you for your contribution to the jam.

I pretty sure that's a filter meant to mimic scanlines from old black and white CRT televisions. I'm 90% sure that's intentional.


The filter is intended however I have been hearing from multiple people about it causing issues for them. In a future build I plan to release a version with and without the filter. 

That would be absolutely lovely. If we can toggle it on or off, that would be a great solution. Thank you for considering it.


Love this.  Lets hope each chapter the protaginest gets the opportunity to get bigger and/or the townsfolk have the ability to get bigger as we go along.  To the point where the screen can't contain them by the end.


Will you be continuing this along side seeds of destiny?


Can you join some pregnancy element?

just a idea for the game :
is it possible to buy or find ammunition and keep it in our inventory for use when it's empty, instead of using it immediately?

the idea comes from the Koudelka game on playstation, where firearms can be equipped and fire a certain number of shots before reloading with an ammunition object
[to illustrate, Revolver (6) and revolver ammunition (20) , le number () indicates the balls contained in the object
when the Revolver is empty like this -> Revolver (0)
we use the revolver ammunition (20) and 
revolver ammunition (20) --> revolver ammunition (14) --> Revolver (6)
However, I don't know how to emulate ammunition management of Koudelka in the RPGmaker, so I'll leave that idea for later.]

(1 edit)

honestly this is probably my favorite out of the 3 or 4 that you have currently posted Preggopixels keep up the awesome work, and i love these game

Good RPG game with black and white graphics.

not going to lie i thought it be another pregnancy related game

hehehe you'd think but not for the bloated belly jam! No sir! 


I have an idea for an enemy.

What if there was a rare enemy that drops valuable items after killing them. Here's the idea:

A rare enemy that has a low chance of spawning. And also drops a valuable item that can be sold with a significant amount of money. The same with ores, but more valuable. The enemy looks like a slime with a treasure inside like: (diamond,  gold, neckless, or a treasure chest). A pretty big and shiny slime to be frank. 

What do you think?


(2 edits) (+3)

Ok, as for more information on development...

We plan to have 4 acts total, each act featuring different parts of the town.

I plan to resume dev after the seeds of destiny: elven kingdom update release which should be about mid January. The scope of dark matter isn't that large so I should hopefully be able to wrap it up in a month or two.


Will good luck.


what about lacto secape


This isn't the place to be asking about that, but I'll tell you nonetheless:

Lacto is currently being handled by a seperate team of devs who, for various reasons, have only recently gotten back to working on the game, but have been making decent progress ever since.

They post regular updates on our Discord server but I don't think that most of that gets all the way to Itch, so I'm not surprised that people here don't know about that.


Darn you PreggoPixels, getting me hooked on another one of your games! Lol.

I cant pass the first puzzle...

Which one?

The maze

(1 edit)

The first two parts of the mine are simply wandering your way to the end where there is a light source. The third part is a bit trickery where you are stuck in a paranormal loop. After attempting in any direction for the first time, a book should appear on the table.

If you read the book, it will give you hints as to which directions you should go in the maze. Also you should hear a small rumbling noise if you went the correct direction. If you go in the correct direction four times, you should be out of the maze.

You know what 

This game is great. I like it, but what's needs is:

1. Adding melee weapons upgrade. (The same with the firearm weapons). 

(Optional) And if the there's a shotgun that would be great. 

2. Adding a boss fight like a giant enemy slime.

3. Adding side quests to earn money alternatively, rather than opening box.

4. Expanding the skills mechanic like: (increasing damage attack, evasion, and defense for the player).

And finally.

5.  Adding friend or an ally that benefits in battle mechanic.

I know it's a prototype and all. But I'm sure you can do it right.

Overall, the game was great. (8/10)

I'm looking forward to it.


Hey there, just wanted to comment on this as both a teaser and an explanation of sorts.

Some of your suggestions (Like bosses and side quests/smaller mysteries) are already planned for later releases, while suggestions for combat balancing like stat upgrades and melee/upgraded ranged options are not that difficult to implement.

Here, I do want to note that we plan to have more opportunities to gain money like the ore merchant that is in the current version, which I think a lot of people overlooked or forgot about.

The only thing I can assure you will not be in the game is the ally mechanic, or at least they will not be an active combat participant. This is due to the coding in place - it would not be impossible, but it would require a pretty extensive rework of what is already in game.

(2 edits)

It's ok to be honest.  

I know it's an early prototype and all. But you can imagine what the game is going to be like when it's expanded. Take it for someone who played a lot of JRPG in the past like (Persona, Final Fantasy, or "Like A Dragon", and etc.). I would be very interested in your game. Not to say a I want the game to be rushed or anything at all. Take your time in development, and I'll be waiting for an update.

Thank you

And good luck on your journey.


Can i play on Android?

Maybe on Joiplay?

Ok to give a fully thought out comment: this game could very easily be a good horror RPG. And I kinda like it for that.

It's also the most unique of your games. Usually the growth is barely controllable but here there's almost complete control of it... Minus the slimes. I like the trade off of bigger bringing both benefits and more risk...

Slight issue, in my opinion atleast, the belly expansion felt kinda... Optional. At most being a consequence of recklessly running through dark caves, which is a pretty big contrast from other games where you were constantly growing. This is just me but the need to use the Soda to increase resolve didn't feel too necessary (this was act one though so I get the game can't be too punishing on you.) And with how big you can get from the start I didn't feel too threatened by the slimes nor the depleted resolve from each swallowed slime.

I do get you just started this project and it was rushed for the game jam. Speaking from experience (barely any) coding functional games takes a while to do. Coding functional and fun games is a really difficult thing to do. 

Maybe since all food in town is in some way connected to making you full of these slimes, you could make it so more size makes you crave more slime (you stop sprinting when near slimes or enemies. And when your even bigger you randomly consume a soda just to satisfy yourself.)


Just wanted to say this was a great entry into the Game Jam. Really liked where the story was headed so far and would love seeing a continuation!

Just wanted to report a few bugs I encountered on the inital playthrough (Nothing game breaking or anything. Just some minor things.) :

- Noticed that at some points even when you have enough money for the vending machines, it does not register you as having enough cash. (Specifically when you have only 5 dollars.) The Diner still works as intended during this.

- Was able to not trigger a game over despite being at the usual size for a gameover. Was actually able to walk around during this state. (Noticed this in the second room of the mine when losing to an enemy.)

- Only in the second room of the mine on the first few enemies, when losing all resolve in battle instead of respawning back at the mine entrance you are moved back to the hotel. A dialogue and note about permanent size increase triggers but does not actually occur. Only happens in this area of the game.

Love the game though, and love Seeds as well as your other catalogue entries so keep up the good work! 


The vending machines were one of the last things added so that doesn't surprise me. As for the game over, I tried my best but that will likely be a more complex issue to fix.

There was a lot of iteration on the belly mechanics, one of the original ideas was to have a separate inflation for cola and slime bloating. The slime would be a more permanent inflation with a slower process but it was scrapped. Likely a remnant of old text box from that which I forgot to remove.

We're cooking again~

ulala nuevo juego y al estilo detectivesco, se ve genial, vamos a probarlo :D


Bro is always cooking 

I thought you weren't gonna update


Life has been busy for me, especially now that I have kids of my own. That said I'm fairly active on discord if you want to see how things are going with my projects.

Seeds wise, I'm hoping for a new build release in mid January.

i love all you games,thank you for your games,look foward to destiny seeds updating

(1 edit) (+1)

is the door to the basement meant to lead to  nowhere for now or did my game glitch?


It doesn't go anywhere, a small bug I forgot to fix. It eventually leads to a future dungeon in a later build someday.

Have a bug where I cannot see the character while playing.

(1 edit)

Did that happen at a certain point in the game?

Right now it's happening right away upon starting the game 

Do you start at the bus stop?
The very first build I uploaded was bugged to have the player start near the mine but that should be fixed.

Yeah it started me near the mine, I'll reupload the new file and see if that's been fixed. 

What do I do with the mine key?


Originally was going to be used to unlock a gate in the mine but do to time, I scrapped it.


Got to say for the start of your game for Game Jam isn't all that bad sure the fact that your mana is your ammo for the gun is going to take some time to get the hang of maybe later down the chapters have a upgrade you can get to carry extra ammo to reload for when/if boss fights are added in

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