Seeds of Destiny .361 (Amazon Jungle Build)

Leah and the party now have access to the amazon jungle where they will explore the jungle to search for another crystal of the goddess.

Seeds of Destiny .361 Patch Notes:
-Added amazon jungle content and continuation of the main story…
-Added new art for the slum dancer -Reduced seed cost for slum dancer quest
-Added new reward for completing slum dancer quest
-Added in Hyperpregnant Witch along with a witches’ duel minigame. (Note: You can only duel the witch in the evening, at the dueling arena in the academy.)
-Rework how damia’s growth takes place, now you will be notified overworld by damia once you have helped enough for a reward. You can return to her at her temple where a growth animation will occur and you then receive a reward.
-As damia’s power grows, you will now see angels appearing in various places in the world.
-New animation will play when you visit damia after obtaining enough divine favor showing a belly growth sequence.
-Gremory has new character art
-Tiamat has new character art
-Removed vehicle restrictions allowing you to dock your boat in many more places.
-Cultists have been appearing in the world, interacting with one may lead to some strange things happening… if you can find them.
-Should you have completed the witches academy content, you will now be able to access the secret hideout of the cult of Rivia. (Note may need to expand this content at a later patch)
-Completing all of the dungeons in chapter 3 should now allow you to access the southern half of the landmass and experience the conclusion to chapter 3.
-You will now be able to find out what the lakeview blacksmith’s secret really is.
-The bakery lady (now known as Sara Lee) has new art as well a rework allowing you to visit her several more times for some more interactions and the chance to see Leah stuffed with more food.
-Bunny girl bartender triplets now have art! 
-Added new art for Valorie (From normal to the end of stage 3 pregnancy) -Leah will be able to reach a new max of 400 power at the end of the chapter.
-Added new zone music to the world map.
-Added plugin support for music changing when entering a new area on the world map.
-Added animated chapter 4 movie transition.
-Several Bugs have been fixed!

Files 1.5 GB
Version 6 Jul 31, 2022 1.6 GB
Version 5 Jul 31, 2022

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Please help me!

In the western forest, where it is necessary to clear the temple of the Goddess from the angry vegetation and save the satyr girls caught by pregnant seeds, on the third level lies a very pregnant plant girl, to whom, if you give a little grass, one large seed is born, which needs to be pushed into three glowing dots that block the way. But the problem is that they run into an invisible wall and don't want to roll in there, so what to do?

You have to push them into the little wholes that you see in the grass.

Thanks! You've been very helpful.

how did you access the western forest?

I was just going on a mission and got caught. The game is linear. You won't miss.


First of all, I would like to thank the developer for this wonderful game, as it has no analogues in the whole world.

Please do not abandon your project, and as soon as it is ready, be sure to put it in Steam, so that even more people can find out about it and buy your game.

Can anyone tell me when the next build might come out

How do I know what I have left to do or if I have 100% the game. Also when you teleport menu what are the Grey,Yellow,Blue dots for. I know there for characters but what for or know if I did them.

(6 edits)

:BUG REPORT: In the character CGs clicking the last option just puts you back on the options screen. Leah's model doesn't have all of the modes of pregnancy she goes through. She also stops having unique dialog in the mirror after gaining 300 or more power. In the elf character quest when you can understand her and tell her that her prayers have been answered you say "Well, it seems your prayers may have# been heard after all. At the entrance of brassworks you can climb onto the right gears :Mild spelling: "This ... is ... getting ... to ... big" should be 'too'. When the feeder baker gives Leah a stuffed apple pie she says "Wow that girl and just about eat anything" I believe 'can' is what you meant. When you talk with the lady in the right left bottom room under the shield she says "... if I can kick as while pregnant..." you probably meant the full curse.

this good

I will be honest. This game was not something that I thought I would enjoy. But I gave it a shot and actually am very surprised on how good everything is. So I loved it. Can't wait for the full game to be done.


Also, HOW do we get to the amazon isle?! The dude still says there's a storm, even though we've beaten everywhere else! The isle crystal is the only one we still need!

It's actually at that beach left of the royal city. If you go to the dock and talk to the guy on it, he'll take you over to the place

I dont see anyone at the dock only see purple hair guy

Deleted 1 year ago

That's the person. Sorry, I thought he was on the dock. Still, talk to him and you can get to the island

Deleted 1 year ago

What I did was make an extra save first. Then go to debug room and go to girl to skip amazon content. You still get to play it.

You say that like everyone knows how to get to the debug room. Also I was hoping for a LEGIT method.

How do we find the secret Rivia hideout?

So 400 max power, you need to change it in the debug room which tells you max 300 when you added amazon content to the debug room

Where can I found the Cultists?

amazon can't be completed, touching the crystal at the end just loops back to a previous scene lmao


(1 edit)

Yep, same
Also cannot enter Overgrown Forest and cannot return to Lily's Nursery (the map on the beach) after completing it. 

Deleted post

There's a hotfix in the Discord; I had the same issue; has to do with one of the maps, the new json file fixes it right up.

Deleted post


mountain man it won't show up with the discord server it just goes onto discord and says your in a strange place

Sorry about that; I'm not as familiar with Discord; search for PreggoPixels Discord and then under topics go to #seeds-bugs

failed to load: /img/pictures/darkwarrior_3.png

 I didn't have the progress saved and now I can't save. 

 An autosave would be so useful in case these types of errors happen

sorry my inglish is bad

Same problem here, even after triying on a new game... and  if u dont save often u can end up softlocked in some animations and rooms in the dungeons.

english is not my first language  "Ñ"  :)

I had the same issue, go into that particular directory, copy and paste any of the rpgmvp files and then rename it that particular file "darkwarrior_3"  (no png)

How do i do that

Deleted 2 years ago

Finaly did it, took me a while to figure it out

The game keeps freezing for me at the egg dungeon where Valorie gets inflated by the crystals.

There is a similar freeze that occurs if you use the debug room to skip to the start of chapter 3 and leave the camp; you get out onto the world map then the whole thing freezes.

There's a hotfix in the Discord; has to do with one of map files, there's a new json file that fixes it right up.

Deleted post

is there not a teleport thing?

Deleted post

In the previous game version folder, go into "www" folder, copy the "save" folder, and paste it into the new game version "www" folder

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